Abigail Hanson's Portfolio

A collection of graphic design works done by Abigail Hanson

A List

This project was to create a menu completely out of text with no other imagery allowed. I chose to make a horror movie menu, now weach menu was required at minimum four sections. Which I displayed by usuing different genres of horror, with each type having a a little blurb explaing the genre to those who might not know.

A Word

This project was to take word, either a movie or show title and with minimal energy create a logo or title card for it. I chose to do more of a podcast show title based off of an idea my friends talked about. "Walked into A Bar" is a set up to a joke where different people all walked into a bar, and the podcast idea was different people of various religion backgrounds talk about religion; mainly a witch, an atheist, and a christian talk about religions. The most difficult part of creating the project was getting the imagery of the separate groups to match a font, as they were all very different from each other.


This project was to redesign an object we found in everyday life, but only if it met the conditions of having either an outdated look, or design layout errors. These errors inlcuded bad layouts, spacing issues with the text, and non-consistance colors or such. I chose the Madhava Organic Amber Agave, as the bottle did not have the best label. It was too small for the amount of information and did not have a consistent type hierachy.

Letter Redesign

We were given random letters to redeign as their own typeface, I was given the letter S. For most of the making of this letter I went with the idea that the S was in heavy wind and that cause the shape to bend and have ink bleeding off of it. eventually most of the bumps became more of a sharp organic than a loose one.

Subscription Box

This was a group project with two other members, Sophia Kehley and Luca Dixie. The goal of this project was to get us used to working with other designers on projects. We were given the idea of creating a subscription box, one that isn't already popular, and coming up with a design for said box. We came up with a woman's focused vinyl subscription box where we would highlight underground artists and woman artists. That's where the name Off the Record came from, as we were trying to get more indie bands known rather than the more popular artists. The design we ended up with was a balance between imagery of women and a classic vinyl look.

Type Specimen

This project was to take a font family and do a spread on it to showcase the font fully. The idea was to display the font in a way that reflected the font itself and made it interesting. Becasue the typeface I chose was a coding typeface, I designed the spread to reflect that.